
Yannick Francken
CEO and visual computing expert

Yannick has a passion for software development in the field of computer graphics and vision. At the age of 15 he started programming 2D and 3D applications in his sparetime. Later he received his Master's degree in Computer Science (Multimedia) in 2005, followed by a PhD degree in Visual Computing in 2010 at Hasselt University / Expertise Centre for Digital Media. He has worked as researcher, Analyst - Developer and R & D specialist. After having produced full body scanners for about 5 years, he and his colleague Stijn Ligot noticed the gap in the market: how to efficiently process massive amounts of 3D full body scans? And 3D Body Cloud was born.

Stijn Ligot
CTO and cloud expert

Stijn is a natural-born software engineer with focus on cloud and 3D technology. He received his Bachelor's degree in 2009 at University of Antwerp (Belgium). He executed his Bachelor's thesis at Hasselt University with outstanding achievements. In 2012 he started his first job as software engineer and 5 years later he became co-founder and CTO of 3D Body Cloud.


We work in close collaboration with several partners such as product manufacturers and 3D designers. By working together with experienced partners and keeping our focus on research and development, we can deliver the right quality over the full spectrum.

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